Source code for neet.boolean.randomnet

.. currentmodule:: neet.boolean.randomnet

.. testsetup:: randomnet

    import numpy as np
    from neet.boolean.examples import *
    from neet.boolean.randomnet import *
    def neighbors_in(net):
        return [net.neighbors_in(node) for node in range(net.size)]
    def neighbors_out(net):
        return [net.neighbors_out(node) for node in range(net.size)]
    def in_degree(net):
        return [len(net.neighbors_in(node)) for node in range(net.size)]
    def out_degree(net):
        return [len(net.neighbors_out(node)) for node in range(net.size)]
    def mean_degree(net):
        return np.mean(out_degree(net))

Random networks
import random
import numpy as np
from neet.sensitivity import canalizing_nodes
from .logicnetwork import LogicNetwork

[docs]def random_logic(logic_net, p=0.5, connections='fixed-structure', fix_external=False, make_irreducible=False, fix_canalizing=False): """ Return a ``LogicNetwork`` from an input ``LogicNetwork`` with a random logic table. ``connections`` decides how a node in the random network is connected to other nodes: ``'fixed-structure'`` the random network has the same connections as the input network. ``'fixed-in-degree'`` the number of connections to a node is the same as the input network, but the connections are randomly selected. ``'fixed-mean-degree'`` the total number of edges is conserved, but edges are placed randomly between nodes. ``'free'`` only the number of nodes is conserved, with the number of connections to a node chosen uniformly between 1 and the total number of nodes. ``p`` is the probability of a state of the connected nodes being present in the activation table. It is also equavolent to the probability of any node being activated. If ``p`` is a single number, it applies to all nodes. Otherwise ``p`` must be a sequence of numbers that match in size with the input network. .. doctest:: randomnet >>> net = random_logic(myeloid, connections='fixed-structure') >>> neighbors_in(net) == neighbors_in(myeloid) True >>> neighbors_out(net) == neighbors_out(myeloid) True .. doctest:: randomnet >>> net = random_logic(myeloid, connections='fixed-in-degree') >>> in_degree(net) == in_degree(myeloid) True >>> out_degree(net) == out_degree(myeloid) False .. doctest:: randomnet >>> net = random_logic(myeloid, connections='fixed-mean-degree') >>> mean_degree(net) == mean_degree(myeloid) True :param logic_net: a :class:`neet.boolean.LogicNetwork` :param p: probability that a state is present in the activation table :type p: number or sequence :param connections: ``'fixed-structure'``, ``'fixed-in-degree'``, ``'fixed-mean-degree'``, or ``'free'`` :type connections: str :returns: a random :class:`neet.boolean.LogicNetwork` """ if not isinstance(logic_net, LogicNetwork): raise ValueError('object must be a LogicNetwork') if isinstance(p, (int, float)): ps = [p] * logic_net.size elif len(p) != logic_net.size: raise ValueError("p's length must match with network size") else: ps = p random_styles = {'fixed-structure': _random_logic_fixed_connections, 'fixed-in-degree': _random_logic_shuffled_connections, 'fixed-mean-degree': _random_logic_fixed_num_edges, 'free': _random_logic_free_connections} try: return random_styles[connections](logic_net, ps, fix_external, make_irreducible, fix_canalizing) except KeyError: msg = "connections must be 'fixed', 'fixed-in-degree'," \ "'fixed-mean-degree', or 'free'" raise ValueError(msg)
def random_binary_states(k, p): """ Return a set of binary states. Each state has length `k` and the number of states is `k * p` (or chosen to produce `k * p` on average if `n * p` is not an integer). """ integer, decimal = divmod(2**k * p, 1) num_states = int(integer + np.random.choice(2, p=[1 - decimal, decimal])) state_idxs = np.random.choice(2 ** k, num_states, replace=False) return set('{0:0{1}b}'.format(idx, k) for idx in state_idxs) def random_canalizing_binary_states(k, p): """ Return a set of binary states that, when considered as a set of activating conditions, represents a canalizing function. Designed to sample each possible canalized function with equal probability. Each state has length `k` and the number of states is set in the same way as `random_binary_states`. """ integer, decimal = divmod(2**k * p, 1) num_states = int(integer + np.random.choice(2, p=[1 - decimal, decimal])) # calculate values specifying which input is canalizing and how canalizing_input = np.random.choice(k) canalizing_value = np.random.choice(2) if num_states > 2**(k - 1): canalized_value = 1 elif num_states < 2**(k - 1): canalized_value = 0 elif num_states == 2**(k - 1): canalized_value = np.random.choice(2) fixed_states = _all_states_with_one_node_fixed( k, canalizing_input, canalizing_value) other_states = np.lib.arraysetops.setxor1d(np.arange(2**k), fixed_states, assume_unique=True) if canalized_value == 1: # include all fixed_states as activating conditions state_idxs = np.random.choice(other_states, num_states - len(fixed_states), replace=False) state_idxs = np.concatenate((state_idxs, np.array(fixed_states))) elif canalized_value == 0: # include none of fixed_states as activating conditions state_idxs = np.random.choice(other_states, num_states, replace=False) return set('{0:0{1}b}'.format(idx, k) for idx in state_idxs) def _all_states_with_one_node_fixed(k, fixed_index, fixed_value, max_k=20): """ (Should have length 2**(k-1).) """ if k > max_k: raise Exception("k > max_k") # there may be a more efficient way to do this... return [idx for idx in range(2**k) if '{0:0{1}b}'.format(idx, k)[fixed_index] == str(fixed_value)] def _external_nodes(logic_net): externals = set() for idx, row in enumerate(logic_net.table): if row[0] == (idx, ) and row[1] == {'1'}: externals.add(idx) return externals # stolen from grn-survey.generate_variants def _fake_connections(net): fakes = [] for idx in range(net.size): for neighbor_in in net.neighbors_in(idx): if not net.is_dependent(idx, neighbor_in): fakes.append((idx, neighbor_in)) return fakes def _logic_table_row_is_irreducible(row, i, size): table = [((), set()) for j in range(size)] table[i] = row net = LogicNetwork(table) return len(_fake_connections(net)) == 0 def _logic_table_row_is_canalizing(row, i, size): table = [((), set()) for j in range(size)] table[i] = row net = LogicNetwork(table) return i in canalizing_nodes(net) def _random_logic_fixed_connections(logic_net, ps, fix_external=False, make_irreducible=False, fix_canalizing=False, give_up_number=1000): """ Return a `LogicNetwork` from an input `LogicNetwork` with a random logic table. Connections in the returned network are the same as those of the input. :param logic_net: a :class:LogicNetwork :param ps: probability that a state is present in the activation table :returns: a random :class:LogicNetwork """ if not isinstance(logic_net, LogicNetwork): raise ValueError('object must be a LogicNetwork') externals = _external_nodes(logic_net) new_table = [] for i, row in enumerate(logic_net.table): indices = row[0] if i in externals: conditions = row[1] else: if fix_canalizing: original_canalizing = _logic_table_row_is_canalizing( row, i, logic_net.size) keep_trying = True number_tried = 0 while keep_trying and (number_tried < give_up_number): if fix_canalizing and original_canalizing: conditions = random_canalizing_binary_states( len(indices), ps[i]) else: conditions = random_binary_states(len(indices), ps[i]) number_tried += 1 keep_trying = False if make_irreducible: node_irreducible = _logic_table_row_is_irreducible( (indices, conditions), i, logic_net.size) keep_trying = not node_irreducible if (not keep_trying) and fix_canalizing: node_canalizing = _logic_table_row_is_canalizing( (indices, conditions), i, logic_net.size) keep_trying = not (node_canalizing == original_canalizing) if number_tried >= give_up_number: msg = "No function out of " + str(give_up_number) + " tried" \ " satisfied constraints" raise Exception(msg) new_table.append((indices, conditions)) return LogicNetwork(new_table, logic_net.names) def _random_logic_shuffled_connections(logic_net, ps, fix_external=False, make_irreducible=False, fix_canalizing=False, give_up_number=1000): """ Return a `LogicNetwork` from an input `LogicNetwork` with a random logic table. The number of connections to a node is the same as the input network, but the connections are randomly selected. :param logic_net: a :class:LogicNetwork :param p: probability that a state is present in the activation table :returns: a random :class:LogicNetwork """ if not isinstance(logic_net, LogicNetwork): raise ValueError('object must be a LogicNetwork') externals = _external_nodes(logic_net) if fix_external else set() new_table = [] for i, row in enumerate(logic_net.table): if i in externals: indices, conditions = row else: if fix_canalizing: original_canalizing = _logic_table_row_is_canalizing( row, i, logic_net.size) keep_trying = True number_tried = 0 while keep_trying and (number_tried < give_up_number): n_indices = len(row[0]) indices = tuple(sorted(random.sample( range(logic_net.size), k=n_indices))) if fix_canalizing and original_canalizing: conditions = random_canalizing_binary_states( n_indices, ps[i]) else: conditions = random_binary_states(n_indices, ps[i]) number_tried += 1 keep_trying = False if make_irreducible: node_irreducible = _logic_table_row_is_irreducible( (indices, conditions), i, logic_net.size) keep_trying = not node_irreducible if (not keep_trying) and fix_canalizing: node_canalizing = _logic_table_row_is_canalizing( (indices, conditions), i, logic_net.size) keep_trying = not (node_canalizing == original_canalizing) if number_tried >= give_up_number: msg = "No function out of " + str(give_up_number) + \ " tried satisfied constraints" raise Exception(msg) new_table.append((indices, conditions)) return LogicNetwork(new_table, logic_net.names) def _random_logic_free_connections(logic_net, ps): """ Return a `LogicNetwork` from an input `LogicNetwork` with a random logic table. All possible connections within the network are considered in the random process. :param logic_net: a :class:LogicNetwork :param p: probability that a state is present in the activation table :returns: a random :class:LogicNetwork """ if not isinstance(logic_net, LogicNetwork): raise ValueError('object must be a LogicNetwork') new_table = [] for i in range(logic_net.size): n_indices = random.randint(1, logic_net.size) indices = tuple(sorted(random.sample( range(logic_net.size), k=n_indices))) conditions = random_binary_states(n_indices, ps[i]) new_table.append((indices, conditions)) return LogicNetwork(new_table, logic_net.names) def _random_logic_fixed_num_edges(logic_net, ps, fix_external=False, make_irreducible=False, fix_canalizing=False, give_up_number=1000): """ Returns new network that corresponds to adding a fixed number of edges between random nodes, with random corresponding boolean rules. """ if fix_canalizing: raise NotImplementedError("fix_canalizing=True not yet implemented") num_edges = sum(len(logic_net.neighbors_in(i)) for i in range(logic_net.size)) externals = _external_nodes(logic_net) if fix_external else set() num_edges -= len(externals) internals = [idx for idx in range(logic_net.size) if idx not in externals] num_internal_connections = np.zeros(len(internals)) # partition edges among nodes keep_trying = True number_tried = 0 while keep_trying and (number_tried < give_up_number): rng = range(len(internals) * logic_net.size) options = [i // logic_net.size for i in rng] sample = np.random.choice(options, num_edges - len(internals), replace=False) idxs, counts = np.unique(sample, return_counts=True) num_internal_connections[idxs] = counts num_internal_connections += 1 number_tried += 1 # we need to check that there is no node that will want # more connections than there are nodes if max(num_internal_connections) <= logic_net.size: keep_trying = False if number_tried >= give_up_number: raise Exception("No partition out of " + str(give_up_number) + " tried satisfied constraints") new_table = [()] * logic_net.size for internal, num in zip(internals, num_internal_connections): keep_trying = True number_tried = 0 while keep_trying and (number_tried < give_up_number): in_indices = tuple(np.random.choice( logic_net.size, int(num), replace=False)) conditions = random_binary_states(len(in_indices), ps[internal]) new_table[internal] = (in_indices, conditions) number_tried += 1 if make_irreducible: node_irreducible = _logic_table_row_is_irreducible( (in_indices, conditions), internal, logic_net.size) keep_trying = not node_irreducible else: keep_trying = False if number_tried >= give_up_number: raise Exception("No function out of " + str(give_up_number) + " tried satisfied constraints") for external in externals: new_table[external] = logic_net.table[external] return LogicNetwork(new_table, logic_net.names)