Elementary Cellular Automata

The neet.boolean.ECA class describes an Elementary Cellular Automaton with an arbitrary rule.

class neet.boolean.ECA(code, size, boundary=None, names=None, metadata=None)[source]

ECA represents an elementary cellular automaton rule. Each ECA contains an 8-bit integral member variable code representing the Wolfram code for the ECA rule and a set of boundary conditions which is either None, signifying periodic boundary conditions, or a pair of cell states signifying fixed, open boundary conditions. As with all neet.Network classes, the names of the nodes and network-wide metadata can be provided.

Inheritance diagram of ECA

In addition to all inherited methods, ECA exposes the following properites:

code The Wolfram code of the elementary cellular automaton.
boundary The boundary conditions of the elemenary cellular automaton.
  • code (int) – the Wolfram code for the ECA
  • size (int) – the size of the ECA’s lattice
  • boundary (tuple or None) – the boundary conditions for the CA
  • names (seq) – an iterable object of the names of the nodes in the network
  • metadata (dict) – metadata dictionary for the network
  • ValueError – if code is not in \(\{0,1,\ldots,255\}\)
  • ValueError – if boundary is a neither None nor a pair of binary states

The Wolfram code of the elementary cellular automaton.


>>> eca = ECA(30, size=5)
>>> eca.code
>>> eca.code = 45
>>> eca.code
>>> eca.code = 256
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: invalid ECA code
Raises:ValueError – if code is not in \(\{0,1,\ldots,255\}\)

The boundary conditions of the elemenary cellular automaton.


>>> eca = ECA(30, size=5)
>>> eca.boundary
>>> eca.boundary = (0, 1)
>>> eca.boundary
(0, 1)
>>> eca.boundary = None
>>> eca.boundary
>>> eca.boundary = [0, 1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: ECA boundary are neither None nor a tuple
Type:tuple, None
Raises:ValueError – if boundary is a neither None nor a pair of binary states