Source code for neet.boolean.logicnetwork

.. currentmodule:: neet.boolean.logicnetwork

.. testsetup:: logicnetwork

    from neet.boolean.logicnetwork import LogicNetwork

Logic-based Networks
import re
from neet.python import long
from neet.statespace import StateSpace
from neet.exceptions import FormatError
import networkx as nx

[docs]class LogicNetwork(object): """ The LogicNetwork class represents boolean networks whose update rules follow logic relations among nodes. Each node state is expressed as ``0`` or ``1``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, table, names=None, reduced=False): """ Construct a network from a logic truth table. A truth table stores a list of tuples, one for each node in order. A tuple of the form `(A, {C1, C2, ...})` at index `i` provides the activation conditions for the node of index `i`. `A` is a tuple marking the indices of the nodes which influence the state of node `i` via logic relations. `{C1, C2, ...}` is a set, each element of which is the collection of binary states of these influencing nodes that would activate node `i`, setting it to `1`. Any other collection of states of nodes in `A` are assumed to deactivate node `i`, setting it to `0`. `C1`, `C2`, etc. are sequences (`tuple` or `str`) of binary digits, each being the binary state of corresponding node in `A`. .. rubric:: Examples .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((0,), {'0'})]) >>> net.size 1 >>> net.table [((0,), {'0'})] .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1,), {'0', '1'}), ((0,), {'1'})]) >>> net.size 2 >>> net.table == [((1,), {'0', '1'}), ((0,), {'1'})] True .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1, 2), {'01', '10'}), ... ((0, 2), ((0, 1), '10', [1, 1])), ... ((0, 1), {'11'})], ['A', 'B', 'C']) >>> net.size 3 >>> net.names ['A', 'B', 'C'] >>> net.table == [((1, 2), {'01', '10'}), ... ((0, 2), {'01', '11', '10'}), ((0, 1), {'11'})] True :param table: the logic table :param names: names of nodes, default None """ if not isinstance(table, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("table must be a list or tuple") self.__size = len(table) if names: if not isinstance(names, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("names must be a list or tuple") elif len(names) != self.__size: raise ValueError("number of names must match network size") else: self.names = list(names) # Store positive truth table for human reader. self.table = [] for row in table: # Validate incoming indices. if not (isinstance(row, (list, tuple)) and len(row) == 2): raise ValueError("Invalid table format") for idx in row[0]: if idx >= self.__size: raise IndexError("mask index out of range") # Validate truth table of the sub net. if not isinstance(row[1], (list, tuple, set)): raise ValueError("Invalid table format") conditions = set() for condition in row[1]: conditions.add(''.join([str(long(s)) for s in condition])) self.table.append((row[0], conditions)) if reduced: self.reduce_table() self._state_space = StateSpace(self.__size, base=2) # Encode truth table for faster computation. self._encode_table() self.metadata = {}
@property def size(self): """ The number of nodes in the network. .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1, 2), {'01', '10'}), ... ((0, 2), {'01', '10', '11'}), ((0, 1), {'11'})]) >>> net.size 3 :type: int """ return self.__size def _encode_table(self): self._encoded_table = [] for indices, conditions in self.table: # Encode the mask. mask_code = long(0) for idx in indices: mask_code += 2 ** long(idx) # Low order, low index. # Encode each condition of truth table. encoded_sub_table = set() for condition in conditions: encoded_condition = long(0) for idx, state in zip(indices, condition): encoded_condition += 2 ** long(idx) if int(state) else 0 encoded_sub_table.add(encoded_condition) self._encoded_table.append((mask_code, encoded_sub_table)) def is_dependent(self, target, source): """ Return True if state of ``target`` is influenced by the state of ``source``. .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1, 2), {'01', '10'}), ... ((0, 2), {'01', '10', '11'}), ((0, 1), {'11'})]) >>> net.is_dependent(0, 0) False >>> net.is_dependent(0, 2) True :param target: index of the target node :param source: index of the source node :returns: whether the target node is dependent on the source """ sub_table = self.table[target] if source not in sub_table[0]: # No explicit dependency. return False # Determine implicit dependency. i = sub_table[0].index(source) counter = {} for state in sub_table[1]: # State excluding source. state_sans_source = state[:i] + state[i + 1:] if long(state[i]) == 1: counter[state_sans_source] = counter.get( state_sans_source, 0) + 1 else: counter[state_sans_source] = counter.get( state_sans_source, 0) - 1 if any(counter.values()): # States uneven. return True return False
[docs] def reduce_table(self): """ Reduce truth table by removing input nodes which have no logic influence from the truth table of each node. .. note:: This function introduces the identity function for all nodes which have no inputs. This ensure that every node has a well-defined logical function. The example below demonstrates this with node ``1``. .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((0,1), {'00', '10'}), ((0,), {'0', '1'})]) >>> net.table == [((0,1), {'00', '10'}), ((0,), {'0', '1'})] True >>> net.reduce_table() >>> net.table == [((1,), {'0'}), ((1,), {'1'})] True """ reduced_table = [] for node, (sources, conditions) in enumerate(self.table): reduced_sources = [] reduced_indices = [] for idx, source in enumerate(sources): if self.is_dependent(node, source): reduced_sources.append(source) reduced_indices.append(idx) if reduced_sources: # Node state is influenced by other nodes. reduced_conditions = set() for condition in conditions: reduced_condition = ''.join([str(condition[idx]) for idx in reduced_indices]) reduced_conditions.add(reduced_condition) else: # Node state is not influenced by other nodes including itself. reduced_sources = (node, ) if not conditions: # If original conditions is empty, node is never activated. reduced_conditions = set() elif node in sources: # Node is always activated no matter its previous state. reduced_conditions = {'0', '1'} else: # Node state is not changed. reduced_conditions = {'1'} reduced_table.append((tuple(reduced_sources), reduced_conditions)) self.table = reduced_table self._encode_table()
[docs] def state_space(self): """ Return a :class:`neet.statespace.StateSpace` object for the network. .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1, 2), {'01', '10'}), ... ((0, 2), {'01', '10', '11'}), ((0, 1), {'11'})]) >>> net.state_space() <neet.statespace.StateSpace object at 0x...> >>> space = net.state_space() >>> list(space) [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]] :returns: the network's :class:`neet.statespace.StateSpace` """ return self._state_space
def _unsafe_update(self, net_state, index=None, pin=None, values=None): """ Unsafely update node states according to the truth table. If ``index`` is provided, only update the node at ``index``. If ``index`` is not provided, update all nodes. The input ``net_state`` is not modified. .. rubric:: Examples .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((0,), {'0'})]) >>> net._unsafe_update([0], 0) [1] >>> net._unsafe_update([1]) [0] .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1,), {'0', '1'}), ((0,), {'1'})]) >>> net._unsafe_update([1, 0], 0)) [1, 0] >>> net._unsafe_update([1, 0], 1)) [1, 1] >>> net._unsafe_update([0, 0]) [1, 0] .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1, 2), {'01', '10'}), ... ((0, 2), {(0, 1), '10', (1, 1)}), ... ((0, 1), {'11'})]) >>> net.size 3 >>> net._unsafe_update([0, 1, 0]) [1, 0, 0] >>> net._unsafe_update([0, 0, 1]) [1, 1, 0] >>> net._unsafe_update([0, 0, 1], 1) [0, 1, 1] >>> net._unsafe_update([0, 0, 1], pin=[1]) [1, 0, 0] >>> net._unsafe_update([0, 0, 1], pin=[0, 1]) [0, 0, 0] >>> net._unsafe_update([0, 0, 1], values={0: 0}) [0, 1, 0] >>> net._unsafe_update([0, 0, 1], pin=[1], values={0: 0}) [0, 0, 0] :param net_state: a sequence of binary node states :type net_state: sequence :param index: the index to update (or None) :type index: int or None :param pin: the indices to pin (or None) :type pin: sequence :param values: override values :type values: dict :returns: the updated states """ encoded_state = self.state_space()._unsafe_encode(net_state) if index is None: indices = range(self.__size) else: indices = [index] if pin is None: pin = [] for idx in indices: if idx in pin: continue mask, condition = self._encoded_table[idx] sub_net_state = mask & encoded_state net_state[idx] = 1 if sub_net_state in condition else 0 if values: for k, v in values.items(): net_state[k] = v return net_state
[docs] def update(self, net_state, index=None, pin=None, values=None): """ Update node states according to the truth table. If ``index`` is provided, only update the node at ``index``. If ``index`` is not provided, update all ndoes. ``pin`` provides the indices of which the nodes' states are forced to remain unchanged. .. rubric:: Examples .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((0,), {'0'})]) >>> net.update([0], 0) [1] >>> net.update([1]) [0] >>> .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1,), {'0', '1'}), ((0,), {'1'})]) >>> net.update([1, 0], 0) [1, 0] >>> net.update([1, 0], 1) [1, 1] >>> net.update([0, 0]) [1, 0] .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1, 2), {'01', '10'}), ... ((0, 2), {(0, 1), '10', (1, 1)}), ... ((0, 1), {'11'})]) >>> net.size 3 >>> net.update([0, 0, 1], 1) [0, 1, 1] >>> net.update([0, 1, 0]) [1, 0, 0] >>> net.update([0, 0, 1]) [1, 1, 0] >>> net.update([0, 0, 1], pin=[1]) [1, 0, 0] >>> net.update([0, 0, 1], pin=[0, 1]) [0, 0, 0] >>> net.update([0, 0, 1], values={0: 0}) [0, 1, 0] >>> net.update([0, 0, 1], pin=[1], values={0: 0}) [0, 0, 0] :param net_state: a sequence of binary node states :type net_state: sequence :param index: the index to update (or None) :type index: int or None :param pin: the indices to pin (or None) :type pin: sequence :param values: override values :type values: dict :returns: the updated states """ if net_state not in self.state_space(): raise ValueError( "the provided state is not in the network's state space") if values and any([v not in (0, 1) for v in values.values()]): raise ValueError("invalid state in values argument") if pin and values and any([k in pin for k in values]): raise ValueError("cannot set a value for a pinned state") return self._unsafe_update(net_state, index, pin, values)
[docs] @classmethod def read_table(cls, table_path, reduced=False): """ Read a network from a truth table file. A logic table file starts with a table title which contains names of all nodes. It is a line marked by ``##`` at the begining with node names seperated by commas or spaces. This line is required. For artificial network without node names, arbitrary names must be put in place, e.g.: ``## A B C D`` Following are the sub-tables of logic conditions for every node. Each sub-table nominates a node and its logically connected nodes in par- enthesis as a comment line: ``# A (B C)`` The rest of the sub-table are states of those nodes in parenthesis ``(B, C)`` that would activate the state of A. States that would deactivate ``A`` should not be included in the sub-table. A complete logic table with 3 nodes A, B, C would look like this: :: ## A B C # A (B C) 1 0 1 1 # B (A) 1 # C (B C A) 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 Custom comments can be added above or below the table title (as long as they are preceeded with more or less than two ``#`` (eg ``#`` or ``###`` but not ``##``)). .. rubric:: Examples: .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> myeloid_path = '../neet/boolean/data/myeloid-truth_table.txt' >>> net = LogicNetwork.read_table(myeloid_path) >>> net.size 11 >>> net.names ['GATA-2', 'GATA-1', 'FOG-1', 'EKLF', 'Fli-1', 'SCL', 'C/EBPa', 'PU.1', 'cJun', 'EgrNab', 'Gfi-1'] :param table_path: a path to a table table file :type table_path: str :returns: a :class:`LogicNetwork` """ names_format = re.compile(r'^\s*##[^#]+$') node_title_format = re.compile( r'^\s*#\s*(\S+)\s*\((\s*(\S+\s*)+)\)\s*$') with open(table_path, 'r') as f: lines = # Search for node names. i = 0 names = [] while not names: try: if names_format.match(lines[i]): names = re.split(r'\s*,\s*|\s+', lines[i].strip())[1:] i += 1 except IndexError: raise FormatError("node names not found in file") table = [()] * len(names) # Create condition tables for each node. for line in lines[i:]: node_title = node_title_format.match(line) if node_title: node_name = # Read specifications for node. if node_name not in names: raise FormatError( "'{}' not in node names".format(node_name)) node_index = names.index(node_name) sub_net_nodes = re.split( r'\s*,\s*|\s+', in_nodes = tuple(map(names.index, sub_net_nodes)) table[node_index] = (in_nodes, set()) elif re.match(r'^\s*#.*$', line): # Skip a comment. continue else: # Read activation conditions for node. try: if line.strip(): condition = re.split(r'\s*,\s*|\s+', line.strip()) else: # Skip an empty line. continue if len(condition) != len(table[node_index][0]): raise FormatError( "number of states and nodes must match") for state in condition: if state not in ('0', '1'): raise FormatError("node state must be binary") table[node_index][1].add(''.join(condition)) except NameError: # node_index not defined raise FormatError( "node must be specified before logic conditions") # If no truth table is provided for a node, that node is considered # an "external" node, i.e, its state stays on or off by itself. for i, sub_table in enumerate(table): if not sub_table: # Empty truth table. table[i] = ((i,), {'1'}) return cls(table, names, reduced)
[docs] @classmethod def read_logic(cls, logic_path, external_nodes_path=None, reduced=False): """ Read a network from a file of logic equations. A logic equations has the form of ``A = B AND ( C OR D )``, each term being separated from parantheses and logic operators with at least a space. The optional ``external_nodes_path`` takes a file that contains nodes in a column whose states do not depend on any nodes. These are considered "external" nodes. Equivalently, such a node would have a logic equation ``A = A``, for its state stays on or off unless being set externally, but now the node had to be excluded from ``external_nodes_path`` to avoid duplication and confusion. .. rubric:: Examples .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> myeloid_path = '../neet/boolean/data/myeloid-logic_expressions.txt' >>> net = LogicNetwork.read_logic(myeloid_path) >>> net.size 11 >>> net.names ['GATA-2', 'GATA-1', 'FOG-1', 'EKLF', 'Fli-1', 'SCL', 'C/EBPa', 'PU.1', 'cJun', 'EgrNab', 'Gfi-1'] :param logic_path: path to a file of logial expressions :type logic_path: str :param external_nodes_path: a path to a file of external nodes :type external_nodes_path: str :returns: a :class:`LogicNetwork` """ names = [] expressions = [] with open(logic_path) as eq_file: for eq in eq_file: name, expr = eq.split('=') names.append(name.strip()) expressions.append(expr.strip()) if external_nodes_path: with open(external_nodes_path) as extra_file: extras = [name.strip() for name in extra_file] names += extras ops = {'AND', 'OR', 'NOT'} table = [] for expr in expressions: sub_nodes = [] conditions = set() expr_split = expr.split() for i, item in enumerate(expr_split): if item not in ops and item not in '()': if item not in names: raise ValueError("unknown component '{}'".format(item)) if item not in sub_nodes: expr_split[i] = '{' + str(len(sub_nodes)) + '}' sub_nodes.append(item) else: expr_split[i] = '{' + str(sub_nodes.index(item)) + '}' else: expr_split[i] = item.lower() logic_expr = ' '.join(expr_split) indices = tuple([names.index(node) for node in sub_nodes]) for dec_state in range(2**len(sub_nodes)): bin_state = '{0:0{1}b}'.format(dec_state, len(sub_nodes)) if eval(logic_expr.format(*bin_state)): conditions.add(bin_state) table.append((indices, conditions)) # Add empty logic tables for external components. if external_nodes_path: for i in range(len(extras)): table.append((((len(names) - len(extras) + i),), set('1'))) return cls(table, names, reduced)
[docs] def neighbors_in(self, index): """ Return the set of all neighbor nodes, where edge(neighbor_node-->index) exists. .. rubric:: Examples .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1, 2), {'11', '10'}), ... ((0,), {'1'}), ... ((0, 1, 2), {'010', '011', '101'}), ... ((3,), {'1'})]) >>> [net.neighbors_in(node) for node in range(net.size)] [{1, 2}, {0}, {0, 1, 2}, {3}] :param index: node index :returns: the set of all node indices which point toward the index node """ return set(self.table[index][0])
[docs] def neighbors_out(self, index): """ Return the set of all neighbor nodes, where edge(index-->neighbor_node) exists. .. rubric:: Examples .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1, 2), {'11', '10'}), ... ((0,), {'1'}), ... ((0, 1, 2), {'010', '011', '101'}), ... ((3,), {'1'})]) >>> [net.neighbors_out(node) for node in range(net.size)] [{1, 2}, {0, 2}, {0, 2}, {3}] :param index: node index :returns: the set of all node indices which the index node points to """ outgoing_neighbors = set() for i, incoming_neighbors in enumerate([row[0] for row in self.table]): if index in incoming_neighbors: outgoing_neighbors.add(i) return outgoing_neighbors
[docs] def neighbors(self, index): """ Return a set of neighbors for a specified node, or a list of sets of neighbors for all nodes in the network. .. rubric:: Examples .. doctest:: logicnetwork >>> net = LogicNetwork([((1, 2), {'11', '10'}), ... ((0,), {'1'}), ... ((0, 1, 2), {'010', '011', '101'}), ... ((3,), {'1'})]) >>> [net.neighbors(node) for node in range(net.size)] [{1, 2}, {0, 2}, {0, 1, 2}, {3}] :param index: node index :returns: a set of neighbors of a node """ return self.neighbors_in(index) | self.neighbors_out(index)
[docs] def to_networkx_graph(self, labels='indices'): """ Return networkx graph given neet network. :param labels: how node is labeled and thus identified in networkx graph (``'names'`` or ``'indices'``) :returns: a ``networkx.DiGraph`` """ if labels == 'names': if hasattr(self, 'names') and (self.names is not None): labels = self.names else: raise ValueError("network nodes do not have names") elif labels == 'indices': labels = range(self.__size) else: raise ValueError("labels must be 'names' or 'indices'") edges = [] for i, label in enumerate(labels): for j in self.neighbors_out(i): edges.append((labels[i], labels[j])) return nx.DiGraph(edges, name=self.metadata.get('name'))
[docs] def draw(self, labels='indices', filename=None): """ Output a file with a simple network drawing. Requires ``networkx`` and ``pygraphviz``. Supported image formats are determined by ``graphviz``. In particular, pdf support requires ``'cairo'`` and ``'pango'`` to be installed prior to graphviz installation. :param labels: how node is labeled and thus identified in networkx graph (``'names'`` or ``'indices'``), only used if network is a :class:`LogicNetwork` or :class:`neet.boolean.WTNetwork` :param filename: filename to write drawing to. Temporary filename will be used if no filename provided. :returns: a ``pygraphviz`` network drawing """ nx.nx_agraph.view_pygraphviz(self.to_networkx_graph( labels=labels), prog='circo', path=filename)